ISO 9001:2015 Certified
ISO 13485:2016 Certified

Manufactured in the USA

Cathodic Protection - Sacrificial Anode

A Simple and Cost Effective Method of Corrosion Control

Cathodic Protection (CP) is the application of direct current to reverse the natural tendency for metals to return to their natural condition as metal oxides (rust). CP prevents the corrosion process from occurring.

Plattline™ Zinc Ribbon Anodes provide a simple, cost effective, maintenance-free method of corrosion control for buried or immersed metals such as iron, steel, Aluminum, copper, etc. It is especially useful for unattended applications; those where other cathodic protection systems requiring monitoring and/or frequent maintenance cannot be possible.

Plattline can be used to protect pipeline, above ground storage tanks or other steel structures subject to corrosion.

Plattline™ Image Reference Guide

Explore the key features and applications of Plattline™ Zinc Ribbon Anodes through the carousel images featured above:

  1. Connection Details – A diagram showing how Plattline™ Zinc Ribbon Anodes connect to a pipeline, showcasing their critical role in mitigating excessive pipeline potentials caused by inductive and conductive interference.
  2. Installation Process – A visual of Plattline™ being installed to effectively even out pipeline and soil potential differences for enhanced performance.
  3. Real-World Application – See Plattline™ Zinc Ribbon Anodes being implemented along 387 miles of the Alyeska Pipeline for reliable cathodic protection and long-term pipeline integrity.

Download The PlattLine™
Cathodic Protection Brochure

With additional details, drawings and specifications